
The CPC´s 100 Year Endeavour and the Other Meanings

One hundred years since the birth of a person, the beginning or end of a war or the founding of a political party is an anniversary that encourages us to remember history and look at the present, so that on this basis one can form an idea or image of the future. In my address I would not refer to some specific achievements of the CPC I mentioned in my introductory remarks.

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Introductory remarks

Good morning HE, professors in China, comrades, ladies and gentlemen, friends. Unexpected but at the same time foreseeable circumstances -an extremely busy schedule by the Chairman of the Communist party of Bohemia and Moravia, Mr. Filip and the after vaccine reactions by Mr. Hrubec forced me to offer my humble service and introduce to you and if necessary or appropriate also moderate our webinar, the first official joint action between the Embassy of the PRC and the ICL.

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The CPC´s 100 year Endeavour: Achievements and Experience

One hundred years since the birth of a person, the beginning or end of a war or the founding of a political party is an anniversary that encourages us to remember history and look at the present, so that on this basis one can form an idea or image of the future. In my address I would not refer to some specific achievements of the CPC I mentioned in my introductory remarks.

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